Chrism Mass set for April 7 at St. Mary’s Cathedral

The annual chrism Mass will be celebrated at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 7, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud.

This special Mass takes its name from the chief anointing oil, the holy chrism, which can only be consecrated by the bishop. At the chrism Mass, Bishop Donald Kettler will bless the oils that will be used for the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, initiation, holy orders and the anointing of the sick. Also at the Mass, priests of the diocese come together to renew their priestly promises.

The holy chrism oil is used at the baptism of infants, in confirmation, to anoint the hands of priests at their ordinations, to anoint a bishop-elect and to bless church buildings.

The oil of the sick is used in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

The oil of catechumens is for those who are preparing for baptism through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Once the oils have been blessed, they are dispensed into containers and distributed to each parish, where they are kept in a dedicated place until their next use.

All are welcome to attend. To reserve space for a parish group, call the Office of Worship at 320-255-9068.

Photo: The holy oils are displayed on lighted pedestals during the chrism Mass in 2018. (Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic)

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