October 6th: Subtle gods

October 6th: Subtle gods

Nothing, not even daily tasks should displace God as priority.

Luke 10:38-42

My family recently moved into a beautiful old house and have made a 360-degree lifestyle change, in addition to the Covid restrictions. There is so much to do that I find myself working nonstop from the moment my eyes are open and by nighttime so exhausted that we have not been attending to family prayer.

This very scripture passage has come to mind and at first, I argued with the Lord saying there was so much that needed to be done; then I bargained promising to return to our family’s commitment to night prayer.

The Lord Himself gifted us with the house and it has provided the infrastructure so very needed at this time for my family to be comfortable; yet I was not able to dedicate time to praise and thank Him.

I made a god of busyness!

Nothing, not even daily tasks should displace God as priority.